About Us
Raanan Fish Feed Ltd. was established in 1995.
Since 2006 it is solely owned by Raanan Berzak.
"Raanan" holds 100% of its subsidiary company, Raanan Fish Feed West Africa Ltd. in Ghana
(Visit our West Africa web site www.raananfishfeed-wa.com)
"Raanan" integrates, all in house, the knowledge of:
Fish Nutrition
Fish feed production
Fish Farming management
Project management
"Raanan" produces feeds (Starters and Grow-out feeds) for the following species:
Marine species (Sea Bream, Sea Bass, Red Drum, H.S.Bass, Barramundi, Grouper & shrimp)
Cold fresh water (Trout & Sturgeon)
Warm fresh water (Tilapia, Carp, Catfish, Grey Mullet & Pangasious)
Ornamental fish (Koi, Gold fish & Tropical)
and for the following farming methods:
Extensive farming in earthen ponds
Semi intensive farming in concrete tank
Super intensive farming in RAS
Cage farming (in fresh water & Sea water)
Raanan Research Center - out R&D activity
Fish Nutrition:
Different formulations
Alternative Raw Materials and sub ingredients
Improved Growth performances
Farming management:
Stocking densities
Feeding regime
Feeding charts
The new location - Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz
"Raanan" facilities:
Two fish feed plants, in Israel and in Ghana, (with capacity of 5.5 tons/h each)
Two crumbling facilities for starters feeds, in Israel and in Ghana.
Certified organic feed production by Naturland and the EU
Certified ISO 9001/2015, FSSC 22000 & HACCP
R&D facilities in Israel
The head office of "Raanan Fish Feed Ltd. located at I.Z. Milouot, PM Ashrat, 25201, Israel.
Raanan - a home for farmers
Visit our West Africa web site www.raananfishfeed-wa.com